Blood Tests & Other Investigations

Important Information

  • Investigations such as blood tests, ECGs and 24 hour blood pressure monitors are led by our nursing team.  

  • Blood tests must be ordered by a GP in the surgery or a consultant. If ordered by a consultant please have a list of your tests being ordered and/ or ensure we have a copy before attending.

  • Blood testing is available at the surgery with our practice nurses Monday to Friday mornings.

  • Because of the large volume of tests done on a weekly basis, it is not possible to contact every patient individually with their results.

  • We ask patients to contact the surgery themselves 7-10 days after testing to get their results. Please click here to complete our order form for obtaining your test results

  • The doctors or nurses will be in touch if a result requires further or urgent action.

  • Your GP can unfortunately only report on results of tests that they have requested or performed for you.

  • Bloods results: If a review consultation in the surgery is required after having a bloods test there is a review fee of €45. Please see our fees page for up to date information.

You can now easily book your appointment online for Kinsealy Medical Centre